Labour GROUP Amendment



That an additional recommendation 2.3 be added, along with resulting numbering changes, as shown in bold italics below.


2.1    That the Committee agrees as a priority the progression of the project to achieve a new accessible railcar, including a costed design and the identification of full funding for the project;


2.2    That the Committee agrees to £30,000 of the funding of £40,000 previously identified for signage, a new shelter and siding is instead allocated to a new accessible railcar;


2.3     That officers be requested to explore the possibility of having painted signage on pavements across the city which depicts symbols rather than words for local attractions i.e. the Volks railway carriage, the Royal Pavilion, Brighton Pier and i360 and report back to a future meeting;


2.4    That the Committee notes that consideration to extend the railway to Black Rock will be given during the development of the Eastern Seafront Masterplan;


2.5    That the Committee notes the uncertainty of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the future operation of the railway, and that the financial viability of future  improvements would need to be given careful consideration to ensure the viability of the Volk’s Railway is sustainable.

Proposed by: Cllr Grimshaw                                 Seconded by: Cllr Powell

                                                                                                             Cllr Simson



Recommendations to read if carried:

2.1     That the Committee agrees as a priority the progression of the project to achieve a new accessible railcar, including a costed design and the identification of full funding for the project;


2.2    That the Committee agrees to £30,000 of the funding of £40,000 previously identified for signage, a new shelter and siding is instead allocated to a new accessible railcar;


2.3     That officers be requested to explore the possibility of having painted signage on pavements across the city which depicts symbols rather than words for local attractions i.e. the Volks railway carriage, the Royal Pavilion, Brighton Pier and i360 and report back to a future meeting;


2.4    That the Committee notes that consideration to extend the railway to Black Rock will be given during the development of the Eastern Seafront Masterplan;


2.5    That the Committee notes the uncertainty of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the future operation of the railway, and that the financial viability of future  improvements would need to be given careful consideration to ensure the viability of the Volk’s Railway is sustainable.